Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Almost Christmas!

okay.......................I'm sure I'm not the only one who loses track of time, right? It's funny how time flies by before we realize there are many things that need catching up! So where shall I start. Firstly, thank-you to those of you that have reminded me to do an update. Lets' go back to August the month of Nationals! Most of you have already seen the results..............I was very excited with my 5th place finish. For my first showing at Nationals I was quite impressed that I was comparable with girls who have been on the stage at least 2-3 times already! I know that I did not come in looking my best and this was due to changing a few key components before the show, BAD IDEA. You learn pretty quick not to mess with what works. So going into Nationals next year I will be leaner in my lower half and not holding water! ARGH! I'll be ready to battle it out for the top spot now that I have had a taste of what to expect. I will definitely prepare for the North Americans now knowing what the states is looking for, assuming I do not receive my Pro card at Nationals.

So other than taking some time off to recover and rest I have been in full swing of finishing up my B.Ed and teaching certificate. It has been a very long and busy road, I guess I did not realize the amount of work involved in prepping to teach. However, the business is very much worth the rewards! I have enjoyed working with my students over the past 3 months and will be sad to go in the next 2 weeks but I will be ready to the next step and hope that in my subbing ventures I will come across them again!

I can't believe Christmas is almost upon us! I haven't even begun to start my shopping and I don't want to think about battling the malls for good presents and deals! I am looking forward to this season more than ever, just some time to relax with family, friends and enjoy the holiday feasts, with in reason ;) I like the time to reflect on the year and what I have accomplished and how I can strive in the New Year to exceed my previous goals and set new ones. These goals keep me in check, focused and driven. What are your goals for the new year. Set them, write them down and you will achieve them!

Remember I am always here to motivate you and inspire you, send me an email anytime you need focus, advice or someone to listen.

Your friend and motivator,