Wednesday, July 29, 2009


I can't believe it, where does the time go? WHEW! I have been so busy working and training that I haven't had a chance to update my blog..........! Well, things are great! I am right on track feeling good and totally pumped. Went to BC provincial championships this weekend which gave me a quick reality check that Nationals are just right around the corner. Definitely some good looking ladies coming out of BC should be an amazing show for Nationals.

Well, I've kicked it into high gear to rip off the last few pounds for the stage.............tons of cardio and of course the diet keeps on diminishing.....sadly enough but hey, only 2 weeks til I can enjoy some tasty treats! WOOT WOOT! Right after I win my Pro card of course.

Still deciding on my path after first pro show or break......hey I gotta keep a positive attitude right? Are you with me...............more Canadians need to qualify for their pro cards its time we start pushing over some of the US girls to gain top spots for the Olympia! I don't mean pushing down the stairs, although its bond to happen..............kidding, kidding! LOL!

I hope that you are all surviving this ridulous weather that we are having, forget about trying to do cardio at home, sheezz I have to hit the gym double/triple times now, at least there is air conditioning.

Just a short chat for now, but stay tuned as we get closer to August 15th!
~~Hugs, Michelle