Thursday, December 3, 2009

Halloween has come and gone!

Hi guys! Well Halloween has come and gone and it was a blast. I love dressing up! Me and my hubby went as evil clowns and I did both of our make-up, we were late to the party we were attending but I'm almost positive we would have one the best couple costume! Maybe next year, I'm already turning the wheels on next years costume.

Now the focus is on Christmas, well trying to. I haven't even started my Christmas shopping, EEK! Perhaps thats a good thing because every year as I start shopping I keep filling my closet with presents and then when it comes time to wrap them I forgot about what I bought. So I end up spending more money in the end and wrapping presents into the wee hours of christmas eve. Oh come on I know some of you do this!

So this year I told myself no early shopping, not that I really had the time, this year is about a budget. Yup! You heard BUDGET! I'm sure we've all been there trying to say that we won't spend what we did last year but does this hold true, nope, not really. So this is the year, holding back on shopping has done some good. AH, but what to buy on a budget, kind of is a drag. Oh, I'm sure I\ll think of something................hmmmmmm. Thoughts??

Are you finished your shopping and now sitting back and enjoying the holidays. I love this festive season even just walking around the mall in no hurry, just people watching, looking at the decorations and listening to the wonderful music, oh and of course all the while holding an egg nog latte (skinny option of course). Ha, I would hardly call it skinny though as they still use real sugar syrup! But it is a nice treat once in a while. I think my addiction to them from last year has blown over a bit. I ran to several starbucks last year once I heard they were discontinuing them after the holidays, need my last fix! Crazy I was! What's your favorite treat over the holidays? Send me an email and let me know what you like to indulge in!

Have a very happy holiday and feel blessed that we can enjoy it here in Canada!

Sunday, November 1, 2009

Olympia Pictures

Here are few pics from the BIG WEEKEND!

Friday, October 30, 2009

Nearly Hallow's Eve!

Yikes, I can't believe I've left this post unspoken for for so long.....okay maybe I can. I know, I know, what in the world could be sooooo important that I haven't updated my blog. Well, you know when your plate loses a few tasks you tend to throw more on right, Yep, that's me. So here I am trying to keep pace with the world and myself for that matter. I has been a month since the Olympia, what an event. There are so many fit people there that feed my inspiration and determination to continue on in this sport of figure.

I don't know if you can ever have a enough pics with pros! Jay Culter, Gina Aliotti, Jenny Lynn, Monica Brandt, Branch Warren, just to name a few. I tend to laugh at myself sometimes as they are just human right! Wrong they have stepped on the Olympia stage which makes them an Olympic Legend! It's funny when people who are not involved in this industry have no idea when you speak these names or talk about the Olympia at times I am beside myself thinking WHAT! You don't know what the Olympia is. But as soon as I mention Arnold they all seem recall those Iconic days. I wonder was that a different era then has the world of bodybuilding changed and if so has it been for the better?

Enough rambling about that.........................the Olympia is always full of excitement, events and TONS of samples. At least this year we kept it to a minimum. Last year we brought back an entire duffle bag full and we still going through some the products right up until this years Olympia. So we decided that this was not necessary this year. It was an interesting figure competition this year last years winner Jennifer Gates was not in attendance so the title was up for grabs. Most people thought Gina Aliotti would be taking it this year but Nicole Wilkins came out of no where and took the title. It was really close and as we all know this sport is very subjective and it comes down to a few fine things between placings. I was stoked that Jay got back his title and MUCH deserve guy the looked amazing and who saw Branch pulling up to second place, I don't think anyone called that one! I have some great pics to post and will do that soon.

As for myself and where I have been...................still working steady at the online course development and trying to find time to train. With the days shorter it seems like there is less hours in the day. My priorities have shifted a bit for now as I am dedicating most of my time to work and family and trying to squeeze in those supersets and cardio when I can. It's funny when I get into onseason mode it seems like a light switch, with a flick I am on track and prepping for a show. It's a bit of a nice break right now having the flexibility in my training and having the opportunity to try different training styles. When I'm onseason I always train heavy and usually 5 days a week and each day takes about 1.5 hours. Now I can train with supersets or circuits and find myself in and out of the gym in an hour weights and cardio included! Sometimes I feel like I haven't done anything well at least til my muscles tell me otherwise the next.

I hope you are all excited for Halloween, I know I am. It has been a while since I dressed up and a friend is having a party this weekend and my costume is great! You'll have to wait to see pics as I don't want to spill it just yet. Oh and of course let's not forget all thee little chocolates the kids bring home............................hmmmm.....nothing beats chocolate and PB! Hey we all need some sanity once in a while right?

Well Happy Halloween and I'll fill you in soon the festivities this weekend!

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

So what happened?

Well, the last few weeks have been CRAZY! With competing in 2 shows in 2 weeks and then back to school I feel like summer wasn't even here. I guess there are pros and cons to dieting over the summer. You look great in a bikini but then you miss out on the wonderful BBQ's and summer festivities.

Alright, alright so let's get to what happened at the shows right? Well, this was the BEST contest prep ever! I felt like I came in the best shape I have ever looked. Balanced symmetry & lean, but it wasn't what the judges were looking for. As we know with this sport it is so subjective that you never know what will happen. SO what did happen........................I placed 6th in my class, which was much to my suprise, my coaches suprise and several others. So each time I compete I take what I have done and learnt to develop and improve for the next show. But in order to do that I needed feedback from the judges so I could work hard and bring it even better next year. This is the frustrating part...............................the judges couldn't give me anything constructive. I heard comments like "you looked amazing and have what it takes to be at the top, keep training hard". This comment tells me just put in your time and you'll be rewared. Another comment was "your muscle mass is the same as others but because you are tall you appear bigger so you should downsize", really? If I downsize will the other judge not like my look? So you can see my predicament! What does one do to prep for next year? I think at this point all you can do is trust your coach and your instinct of how you like to look. I feel my size and porportion is balanced, other than maybe more shoulder cap, my routine will be looking at maintaining what I have.

So with that experience I decided to head to Cleveland, Ohio for the North American Championships. This show includes competitors from Canada, USA and Mexico. Not really knowing what the look was for these judges and never having done a show outside of Canada my expectations weren't much. I wanted to go for the experience, practice and exposure.

The trip was a quick turn around getting in at midnight thursday and then leaving 7am sunday so I didn't really get to see much of Cleveland, all in all, I believe I stepped outside for a total of 30min!! The hotel was beautiful very old and the staff were more than accomodating and friendly. The hotel sits right above the mall which had an amazing Cookie store which I ended up visiting several times.

Friday was prepping and relaxing and then the show was on saturday. I couldn't believe the number of competitors. The show was so long, it was good to have our hotel in the same building as the event so I could relax in my room for a bit.

There were about 18 girls in my class and when they did the first call-outs I had butterflies in my stomach. Whe they called my number I was so excited! I really couldn't believe it. So as it turned out I placed 4th and had the biggest smile on my face!

So I guess I can say that I am 6th in Canada and 4th in North America, not really sure how that makes sense, LOL!!

So now I am back to work fulltime wondering how the summer flew by me. I am focusing on my new position with the school district and redeveloping some online courses. Should fun, interesting and hopefully not too stressful. I will fit my training in when I can incorporating more of a circuit style for now to minize my time at the gym.

I hope you are all well and keeping up with the fast pace of life, take time for yourself & breathe,
talk soon,

Friday, August 14, 2009


Number of hours spent doing cardio : 100

Pounds of chicken eaten : 160

Number of calories burnt doing cardio : 80,000

Pro card : priceless!

It's hard to believe in nearly 24 hours the CBBF Figure and Fitness Nationals begins.................

With a few more things to do today I feel ready as ever! Don't get me wrong who doesn't have butterflies this close to a show but I have done everything I possibly could at this point and now it is up to the judges to decide my fate!

I am excited and focused! This will be my last local show. So it would be truely amazing to win my pro card on home turf with all of my family and friends cheering me on. Should this not be the case I will be traveling to Cleveland Ohio to take another shot at it. This show the North Americans is the only other show in which Canadians can recieve their pro card at.

At this point, I just have to finish packing and head to the hotel for tanning, weigh-ins and hopefully some rest. Rest is few and far between these days I find myself visualizing being on stage, this is a good thing as it calms and prepares me, however, it does tend to come when want to sleep. I was wide awake at 5 am this morning, cleaning and preparing everything I need. I was hoping that my energy would diminish those flutters in my stomach but NOPE they're still there. I even hopped on my ellipitical to burn some last few calories.

I have been ready all week and just playing the waiting game now. My stage prep is going a little different this year, as far as food, because I have been on track so far. Usually I add a few extras in the day of the show but this time I am sticking to just chicken and yam!

I know that you will be cheering me on and I thank-you for all the support and encouragement thus far. If you are looking for results or updates or siouxcountry try to keep up-to-date events as they happen! Wish me luck and I will post next week as to how I did.


Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Massage Warning!

Okay, so you might be thinking massage warning what's this all about...........................I've caught your attention, right?

Well, most of us love a good massage especially at a spa were the mood is just right and relaxing. Someone touching and massage your tense muscles from a long day, yes we have all been there. But have I got a different story for you.

I have been seeing a registered massage therapist for the past 3 years and she is awesome. I wouldn't dream of visiting anyone else but this past month she decided to take a job opportunity in the Congo looking after Gorillas, I mean really how dare she! I am 4 weeks from my show and she deserts me! For monkeys? Anyways, she of course referred me to another individual and stated that she wouldn't recommended anyone else. Okay, alright whats a girl to do. I mean I have 3 weeks to go now and my body is starting to seize up. I have to see someone. So I booked in and off I went. Of course, the location was not at a day spa but a REAL clinic, so no dark lighting or steam room, bummer. Upon meeting the therapist he was very friendly and informative. He ran me through the usual questions before getting started. He seemed very knowlegable and began working out the knots in my back. I do love that ouch it hurts but still feels good pain so I knew he was doing something right. But I began to wonder as he worked on my arms, specifically my triceps. Again there was that ouch it hurts but feels good pain but then it morphed into oh my god my arm is gonna burst. Do you or don't you say something? There's like this phobia we have of saying the pressure is too hard, you know what I'm talking about, you've done it! Why are we hesitant on telling someone to ease up a bit? Do we think we might offend them? Well perhaps that's what was going through my head, or maybe it was empty due to the lack of glucose my brain needs to function with and eventually my brain couldn't tell the difference between a good or bad pain, if there is such a thing. Either way I'm not sure what happened but my massage was finished and as I stood up to walk out I felt like my whole body was detoxing and going through a state of shock. What just happened. So what's my point right? Well as the day progressed slowly welts and bruises began to form on my triceps, not pretty! Oh and painful!

So this is my warning to those of you how enjoy a deep tissue massage once and a while. Make sure your not afraid to tell the therapist when the pressure is too much. Trust me your body will thank-you!

Anyways, hopefully, the damage done will be gone in time for the show or perhaps the protan will cover it up!

UPDATE: Training is going.......................I'm starting to get pretty sluggish and tired these days but I'm feeling really good about where I'm at and excited to bring my best package to the stage yet!

11 days and counting! Your support means everything!
Love Michelle

Wednesday, July 29, 2009


I can't believe it, where does the time go? WHEW! I have been so busy working and training that I haven't had a chance to update my blog..........! Well, things are great! I am right on track feeling good and totally pumped. Went to BC provincial championships this weekend which gave me a quick reality check that Nationals are just right around the corner. Definitely some good looking ladies coming out of BC should be an amazing show for Nationals.

Well, I've kicked it into high gear to rip off the last few pounds for the stage.............tons of cardio and of course the diet keeps on diminishing.....sadly enough but hey, only 2 weeks til I can enjoy some tasty treats! WOOT WOOT! Right after I win my Pro card of course.

Still deciding on my path after first pro show or break......hey I gotta keep a positive attitude right? Are you with me...............more Canadians need to qualify for their pro cards its time we start pushing over some of the US girls to gain top spots for the Olympia! I don't mean pushing down the stairs, although its bond to happen..............kidding, kidding! LOL!

I hope that you are all surviving this ridulous weather that we are having, forget about trying to do cardio at home, sheezz I have to hit the gym double/triple times now, at least there is air conditioning.

Just a short chat for now, but stay tuned as we get closer to August 15th!
~~Hugs, Michelle

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Technical Difficulty!

Well hello....... much to my dismay, as you may have already found, my website has been down for quite some time. I was in the process of switching over webmasters which took a little while for things to get sorted out! WHEW! But here I am with much to catch you up on.

Where do I start? Well, school is almost finished, well for those who aren't in summer school, we'll get to that in a bit. The weather took a turn down the drain. While we were stuck in a hot stuffy school forcing students to stay focused for the last couple of weeks and now it decides to rain, bummer!

With exams finishing up and the last few details and boxes for me to pack up I am looking forward to some quality time at home and focus back on my training...............WAIT a minute................................summer school??? Oh ya almost forgot, I will be working over the summer. I took an online teaching position til August, yup, 1 week before nationals, can you say crazy at least thats what my students might be calling me by then. I'm pretty excited though as this is another new adventure for me in my path as a teacher especially considering I will tackling Chemistry 11 & 12. It doesn't seem to matter how much we can't wait til we have free time because we will always fill up our plates again with another task, right? Well, thats my life!

Training is going great! I am right on track and feeling good, well most days ;) It doesn't matter how often or how early I get up each day it is still a struggle to drag my hiney to the ellipitcal. But I see results everyday, tighter legs and glutes, veins in the shoulders, they rock, and then the chiseled pack of abs that begin to peek through. It is nearly 7 weeks away and I am totally pumped to be back on stage.

I told you I would keep you uptodate as to where my training was but the best I can do is tell you that cardio is at 1hour and 15min 6x/week, weights 5x/week and diet is about 1400 calories. Suprisingly, the diet has been really good. I haven't had too many cravings other than that once a month want to dive into a bag of chocolate chip cookies and I'll take anyone out who stands in my way, you know what I mean. But other than that all is GREAT! In case you are wondering I was able to hang on with my willpower!

I hope that you are all keeping up with your fitness, staying healthy, fit and strong. Summer is HERE, so stay on track and eat clean, but do enjoy that well deserved treat as a reward once in a while.

Cheers, Michelle

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Winter or Spring?

Well, considering the weather these days I'm not sure what time of year it is......but I do know that usually come spring time I start buckling down for precontest prep. So if its winter as mother nature seems to tell us then I'm in the clear for a few more weeks and sanity. However, I am looking forward to the warmer weather and even welcome my diet and early morning cardio. It refocuses me and gets me back on track. So soon the journey begins for this years Nationals and for that top spot once again. I have been trying to put a bit more size on my shoulders and arms and training heavy all off season. I'll be striving for that pro card but so will 44 other girls.............who will it be this year? I am also planning on heading down to Cleveland 2 weeks after nationals to experience an american stage and judging as well as compete for the only other pro card Canadians can qualify for. So stayed tuned as I will update you on my contest prep.......................HUGS!